"Reluctant Reception: Refugees, Migration and Governance in the Middle East and North Africa" (2021)
Cambridge University Press.
“Leveraging Selective State Capacity:
Understanding Changing Responses to Migration and Refugees" (2024)
Journal of Global Security Studies.
"The ‘Inherent Vulnerability’ of Women on the Move:
A Gendered Analysis of Morocco’s Migration Reform" (2024)
With Carrie Reiling, Journal of Refugee Studies 37(3): 631-644.
"Assessing the Domestic Political Impacts of Turkey's Refugee Commodification" (2024)
With Ezgi Irgil, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
"Strategic Non-Regulation as Migration Governance" (2023)
With Katharina Natter and Nora Stel, Migration Politics 2(4): 1-30.
"The European Union's Migration Management Aid:
Developing Democracies or Supporting Authoritarianism?" (2023)
With Nicholas Micinski, International Migration 61(4): 57-71.
"Is Research with Migrants and Refugees Inherently Extractive?" (2022)
APSA MENA Newsletter 5, 44-50.
"Introduction: Cities and the Contentious Politics of Migration" (2022)
With Hans Schattle and Willem Maas, Globalizations 21(2); 197-201.
"Urbanization, Informal Governance and Refugee Integration in Egypt" (2022)
Globalizations 21(2): 287-302.
“Introduction: Taking Stock of Middle East Migration Since the Arab Uprisings” (2021)
Digest of Middle East Studies 30, 248–250.
“Migrant and Refugee Mobilisation in North African Host States: Egypt and Morocco in Comparison” (2020)
Journal of North African Studies 26(4): 679-708.
“Migration Diplomacy and Policy Liberalization in Morocco and Turkey" (2020)
International Migration Review 54(4): 1158-1183.
“Transforming Refugees into Migrants: Institutional Change and the Politics of
International Protection" (2019)
With Lama Mourad, European Journal of International Relations 26(3): 687-713.
“Changing Capabilities or Motivations? Migration Deterrence in the Global Context” (2019)
With Jonathan Kent and Kate Tennis, International Studies Review 22(4):853-878.
"Inclusion, Exclusion or Indifference? Redefining Migrant and Refugee Host State Engagement Options in Mediterranean ‘Transit’ Countries" (2019)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(1): 42-60.
"Migration and Refugee Policy-Making in Modern Egypt, Morocco and Turkey" (2018)
Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 5(2).
"Teaching Migration and Citizenship Studies: A Comparative Analysis of 100 Interdisciplinary Syllabi" (2018)
With Daniel Naujoks, APSA Migration and Citizenship Newsletter Winter 6(1): 66-73.
"Mentoring Matters: Diversifying Mentorship in Graduate School" (2017)
APSA Migration and Citizenship Newsletter Summer 5(2): 66-69.
"Ambivalence as Policy: Consequences for Migrants and Refugees in Egypt" (2017)
Égypte/Monde Arabe 15(3): 27-46.
"Between Europe and Africa: Morocco as a Country of Immigration" (2016)
Journal of the Middle East and Africa 7(4): 421-439.
"Migrants, Refugees and the Egyptian Security State" (2016)
International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 2(4): 345-364.
"EU Territorial Control, Western Immigration Policies, and the Transformation of North Africa" (2013)
The Postcolonialist 1(1).
The Public Policy & Governance Review 1(1): 47-61.
With Ana Martín Gil and Nicholas R. Micinski
In Migration Governance in North America from Queen’s-McGill University Press.
"Egypt: Cultivating Loyalty Abroad, Repressing When Necessary,” (2024)
In States and their Nationals Abroad: Support, Co-Opt, Repress from Cambridge University Press.
“Book review of Refuge and Resistance: Palestinians and the International System” (2024)
The Middle East Journal 77(3-4): 489-491.
“Book review of 'Borderlands: Europe and the Mediterranean Middle East'" (2024)
Political Science Quarterly.
"Book review of 'The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States'" (2023)
Journal of North African Studies 29(5): 909-911.
"Book review of 'Europe’s Migration Crisis' and 'The Global Governed?" (2021)
Perspectives on Politics 19(3): 1037-1039.
"Book review of 'The Jungle: Calais's Camps and Migrants'" (2020)
International Affairs 96(2): 537-38.
"Book review of 'Crossroads: Comparative Immigration Regimes in a World of Demographic Change'" (2020)
The Developing Economies 58(1): 91-93.
"Film review of 'Chez Jolie Coiffure'" (2020)
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 10(2): 331-332.
"Book review of 'Co-Ethnic Strangers: Immigrant Exclusion and Insecurity in Africa'" (2014)
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 5(2-3): 339-341.
"Book review of 'The Scramble for Citizens'" (2013)
The Cairo Review of Global Affairs Spring 2013.
GB News with Nigel Farage (19 October 2023)
"World Refugee Day: Misconceptions and How to Help"
KPRC Houston (20 June 2023)
PYC Coffee Break Podcast (20 March 2021)
"Where Will Afghanistan's Refugees Go?"
World Affairs Podcast (5 September 2021)
"The Future of Climate Change Refugees"
The Tom Swarbrick Show, LBC Radio (21 January 2021)
"Refugees, Host Countries, and the Coronavirus"
Policy Matters Podcast (22 April 2020)
"U.S. Refugees Allowed Drops to Lowest Number in Recent Memory"
Houston Newsmakers (1 December 2019)
"Safe Third Country Agreements"
Policy Matters Podcast (23 October 2019)
GCTN America (13 February 2018)
"Managing Migration in World Society: Interview with Kelsey Norman"
Policy Talks (13 April 2017)
"A Startup Sparks Conversations with Syrian Refugees"
Marketplace Radio, American Public Media (25 May 2016)
"Terrorism Carves Division Between Morocco and Europe"
The Takeaway with John Hockenberry, WNYC Radio and PRI (19 April 2016)
"A Year of Escalating Conflict in the Middle East has Ushered in a New Era of Displacement"
With Nicholas Micinski, The Conversation (4 October 2024).
With Ana Martín Gil, The Conversation (15 August 2024)
"The Climate Change-Conflict-Displacement Nexus in the MENA Region"
With Ana Martín Gil and Robert Baron, Baker Institute for Public Policy Report (21 May 2024)
"Addressing the ‘Crisis’ at the US-Mexico Border: Insights From El Paso and Ciudad Juárez"
With Ana Martín Gil, Baker Institute for Public Policy Report (18 April 2024)
"The Donor Side of Refugee Rentierism and Migration Management Aid"
With Nicholas Micinski, Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) Studies Series 50 (March 2024)
"The Unprecedented Internal Displacement in Gaza"
Arab Center Washington DC (14 February 2024)
With Nicholas Micinski, The Conversation (1 February 2024)
"Israel’s Mass Displacement of Fits Strategy of Using Migration as a Tool of War"
With Nicholas Micinski and Adam Lichtenheld, The Conversation (11 December 2023)
"Why Won't Egypt Accept Palestinians?"
With Nicholas Micinski, Inkstick Media (20 October 2023)
"Sudanese Refugees in Egypt Need Further Support, Not Entrapment"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Brief (20 July 2023)
"Generations of Palestinian Refugees Face Protracted Displacement and Dispossession"
With Nathan Citino and Ana Martín Gil, Migration Policy Institute (3 May 2023)
"Migration and Displacement in the Arab World Demands a More Equitable Response"
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (3 May 2023)
"Biden's New Border Policies Will Put Strain on Mexico's Struggling Asylum System"
With Ana Martín Gil, Baker Institute for Public Policy Brief (16 March 2023)
"How Biden's New Border Policy Hurts Asylum Seekers"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Brief (9 January 2023)
Baker Institute for Public Policy Brief (27 October 2022)
"How Can We Protect Climate "Refugees?""
With Ana Martín Gil, Pamela Lizette Cruz, and Ivonne Cruz, Baker Institute for Public Policy Report (13 October 2022)
"Our New Afghan Neighbors: The Challenges and Opportunities of Afghan Resettlement to Houston"
With Ana Martin Gil and Fazal Muzhary, Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (25 April 2022)
"Ukrainian Displacement: What You Need to Know"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (1 March 2022)
"Rich Countries Cannot Outsource Their Migration Dilemmas"
Foreign Affairs (5 January 2022)
"Where Will Fleeing Afghans Go?"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (25 August 2021)
"If Biden Wants to Work with Mexico on Migration and Asylum, he might Start Talking to Mexican NGOs"
With Kevin Cole, Zaid Hydari and Ana Martin Gil, The Washington Post (17 August 2021)
"I Am a Canadian Citizen. Why Can't My Son be a Canadian Citizen Too?"
The Globe and Mail (25 June 2021)
"Strengthening Mexico's Asylum System"
With Kevin Cole, Zaid Hydari and Ana Martín Gil, Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (7 June 2021)
"Biden's Border Strategies Won't Work"
Foreign Policy (18 March 2021)
"U.S. Immigration and the 2020 Election"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (21 October 2020)
"Syria, the EU-Turkey Deal, and Migration Policies in the Age of COVID-19"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (31 March 2020)
"Building Walls and Deporting People to 'Safe' Countries Is Not Deterrence, It’s Defense"
With Jonathan Kent and Katherine Tennis, Just Security (12 February 2020)
"The World is Turning its Back on Refugees"
With Lama Mourad, The Atlantic (24 December 2019)
"The End of the Largest Resettlement Program in the World?"
Baker Institute for Public Policy Issue Brief (29 October 2019)
Political Violence at a Glance (22 October 2019)
"Would ‘Safe Third Country’ Agreements Stem Migration to the U.S.?
The E.U.-Turkey Deal Offers Some Clues"
The Washington Post (22 July 2019)
"What's At Stake for Syrian Returnees"
Political Violence at a Glance (20 November 2018)
"The Debate over 'Birthright’ Citizenship Distracts Voters from Real Issues"
The Orange County Register (4 November 2018)
"Migration in the Mediterranean: A Second Crisis of Europe's Making"
With Devon Cone, Political Violence at a Glance (17 July 2018)
"Migration, Cities, and Engaged Scholarship"
Political Violence at a Glance (1 May 2018)
"Concerns Over a Coercive Return of Syrian Refugees from Lebanon"
Political Violence at a Glance (20 February 2018)
"The Truth About the U.S.-Australia Refugee Deal the Media Didn’t Report"
Muftah Magazine (6 February 2017)
Middle East Institute (6 December 2016)
"The Real Refugee Crisis is in the Middle East, not Europe"
With Rawan Arar and Lisel Hintz, The Washington Post (14 May 2016)
"Calling People Fleeing Their Homes Refugees Instead of Migrants is Not Enough"
With Lama Mourad, Muftah Magazine (28 September 2015)
"Refugees in Turkey: Implications of Increasing Politicization"
Jadaliyya (6 June 2015)
"Migration Policy Reform in Morocco: Implications for Migrants, The Country, and The Region"
Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore MEI Insight No. 123 (9 April 2015)
"Morocco's New Approach to Migration: Meaningful Reform or Political Posturing?"
Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa blog (6 April 2015)
"Migrants in Post-Revolution Egypt"
The Washington Post (7 January 2015)
"Turkey's New Migration Policy: Control Through Bureaucratization"
Jadaliyya (29 September 2014)
"African Migrants in the Middle East and North Africa"
Pambazuka Magazine (26 June 2014)
"Different Policies, the Same Game: Syrian and Palestinian Refugees in Egypt"
Jadaliyya (28 January 2014)
"Religious Organizations and Refugees in Egypt"
Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa Blog (9 June 2013)
"Turning a Blind Eye: Lessons from Egyptian Refugee Policy”
Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa Blog (26 November 2012)
"The View from Cairo: A Response to 'Behind the Scenes of The Innocense of Muslims'"
Public Policy & Governance Review Blog (10 October 2012)
"Op-Ed: Cuts to Aboriginal-focused Organizations Should be Reversed"
i-politics (20 April 2012)